I really do believe that it is possible to live without harming the natural world. In fact if we treat the natural world well, we'll live longer and healthier too.
Here is the vision of the world I'd like to live in:
- We recycle everything we use, nothing goes to landfill
- All our energy comes from renewable resources, such as wind, water and solar. These too are done with care to the natural world. Our vehicles run on renewable fuel, be it electricity, biogas or biodiesel from waste vegetable oil.
- All our food is grown free of chemicals, organically. We don't clear any more land for agriculture.
- We regenerate the land, planting more forests, creating homes for wildlife. Less concrete, more green spaces. Rather than clearing green spaces for buildings.
- Our human waste is used to grow our food, and sewage going into the sea is a thing of the past.
- Our oceans, rivers and lakes are clean, free of any human, chemical or agricultural waste.
- Farm animals and fish receive the best quality of care. They have lots of outdoor space, healthy food and mothers stay for some time with their offspring. Calves stay with their mothers in dairy farming, rather than being separated when they are born.
- Healthcare is provided in an environmentally friendly, waste-free way
- No more metals or oil for plastic is extracted from the Earth. We use what we have already taken and recycle it, whether to make ipads or cars.
The only way we can do this is if every person on this Earth works together to make this happen. So what are we waiting for?